To create Boddhicitta (your head of enlightenment) is like climbing up a flight of stairs. We must begin slowly at the foot of the steps. Similar to an utter failure in the past or your position when you enter network marketing.It does not matter whether you?ve been incredibly successful. As a networker you start at the bottom of the stairs and everybody has true identical opportunity.Can we make it to the most truly effective? We have to think.With the progressive phases of practice we still need to consider whether the root and base of practice agreement with the Dharma. Similarly as a networker, unless our methods accord with the universal principles of success, making it to the most effective is questionable.So what?re these universal principles of success? The Sakhya school?s Oral Pith Guidelines of renunciation say, ?Those who still have connection to this life cannot be certified as practitioners.? From this we can see that being free from attachment to this life is the correct perspective in Dharma practice.As to the qualification for having abandoned this life we have to generate legitimate aversion to the eight worldly concerns. And they are: Loss, Gain, Fame, Disgrace, Praise, Blame, Pleasure and Pain.?What on earth!? you say. What am I in network marketing for or even enjoyment, fame, praise and gain? Isn?t this what I keep most of the suffering and shame for? For they?re temporary while celebrity, gain, encouragement and pleasure are lasting for an effective networker. How do I forsake these four fundamentals and where does that get me?Well, here?s the good thing. Network marketing is not about generating Boddhicitta. It is ergo actually an easier option to living a complete life.The achievement concepts listed here are about (1) Giving ? offer without an expectation of get back. (2) Clearing ? clean up the things you don?t want to produce room for the things you do want. (3) Creative creation ? develop a distinct mental picture of everything you do want and speak it into existence by practicing twice daily and writing it down. (4) Enthusiasm ? be one with the God within. Enthusiasm originates from the Latin root en-theos (God inside).
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