শুক্রবার, ১২ অক্টোবর, ২০১২

ComScore: Google's Search Engine Market Share Increased In ...

ComScore just published its latest U.S. search market numbers and things aren?t looking too good for Yahoo. Yahoo?s Bing-powered search lost another 0.6 percentage points and now has just 12.2 percent of the market. That?s down from 12.8 percent in August and 13 percent in July and June.

The networks that apparently profited from Yahoo?s dip are Google, which added another 0.3 percentage points and Ask, which is also up 0.3 percentage points. With this, Google now commands 66.7 percent of the U.S. search market and Ask 3.5 percent.

Microsoft?s Bing held steady last month at 15.9 percent in comScore?s rankings. In total, comScore reports, Bing powered just over a quarter (25.1 percent) of all U.S. searches in September.

TechCrunch parent company AOL is still the smallest of comScore?s top 5 search engines and came in at 1.8 percent last month, up 0.1 percentage points from August.

As far as total search volume goes, comScore says about 16.3 billion searches were conducted in September. That?s down about 4 percent from last month. Unsurprisingly, Yahoo also saw the largest drop here. The total number of searches on the site decreased by 9 percent.

Yahoo?s Troubles Continue

So far, Yahoo?s new CEO Marissa Mayer hasn?t announced any changes to the company?s strategy in the search market. If Yahoo wants to stay relevant in this business, though, Mayer will have to make some changes and do so sooner rather than later. Search brings in about a third of Yahoo?s revenue, and given Mayer?s background in search, she will likely institute some changes soon. For the time being, though, her focus seems to be more on PB&J than on improving Yahoo?s search.

?comScore is a global Internet information provider to which leading companies turn for consumer behavior insight that drives successful marketing, sales and trading strategies. comScore???s experienced analysts work closely with clients to identify their business objectives and determine how they can best apply and benefit from comScore???s vast databases of consumer behavior. comScore maintains massive proprietary databases that provide a continuous, real-time measurement of the myriad ways in which the Internet is used and the wide variety of activities that...

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September 7, 1998


Google provides search and advertising services, which together aim to organize and monetize the world?s information. In addition to its dominant search engine, it offers a plethora of online tools and platforms including: Gmail, Maps, YouTube, and Google+, the company?s extension into the social space. Most of its Web-based products are free, funded by Google?s highly integrated online advertising platforms AdWords and AdSense. Google promotes the idea that advertising should be highly targeted and relevant to users thus providing...

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January 1, 1994

December 4, 1996, Nasdaq:YHOO

Yahoo was founded in 1994 by Stanford Ph.D. students David Filo and Jerry Yang. It has since evolved into a major internet brand with search, content verticals, and other web services. Yahoo! Inc. (Yahoo!), incorporated in 1995, is a global Internet brand. To users, the Company provides owned and operated online properties and services (Yahoo! Properties, Offerings, or Owned and Operated sites). Yahoo! also extends its marketing platform and access to Internet users beyond Yahoo! Properties through its distribution network...

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Bing is a decision (search) engine from Microsoft officially announced on May 28, 2009. It combines technology from the Farecast and Powerset acquisitions, as well as new algorithms and a more colorful page design, to attempt to understand the context behind the search, which Microsoft claims gives users better results. Bing as a brand is also an attempt to eliminate the confusion caused by Microsoft?s ?Windows Live? branding. Bing is now everything ?search? related, whereas Windows Live encompasses the remnants...

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Source: http://techcrunch.com/2012/10/11/comscore-googles-search-engine-market-share-increased-in-september-yahoo-down-another-0-6-percentage-points/

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