In fact, there is some question as to whether auto insurance agents are required anymore. Do you really want to spend your Saturday morning visiting an office car insurance policy is drawn up on a single car insurance company where you can buy auto insurance online at any time - weekends, evenings, etc. Not only that, but buying auto insurance online allows you to compare offers from several companies side-by-side in terms of policies and premiums. In addition, you can buy online policies (in most countries), and even file claims online.
Can remember, of course, that many people simply prefer meeting and talking face-to-face with an insurance agent rather than simply beat a computer keyboard. On the one hand, they may feel safer to transfer money (premiums) in person than on the internet. On the other hand, they may prefer to have a competent person they can communicate and ask questions.
But many of these people as a proportion of the adult population is clearly declining. According to market research firm, 67.5% of 2,000 U.S. consumers surveyed last year said they would consider purchasing their next car insurance policy online. Buying auto insurance online has increased at an incredible 55% + rate over the last two years.
Therefore, if you are looking for a replacement policy or your first policy, auto insurance online has many advantages: cost savings, convenience, speed and better information on policies available a range of insurance providers.
However, before you sign a policy, whether in person or online, make sure that you are familiar with the basics of auto insurance.
If you drive a car in the United States, you need insurance. It is an obvious fact. But what kind of insurance and at what price?
Liability insurance. As you may know, there are two basic types of liability insurance, including bodily injury and property damage. If you buy a cover 25/30/25 this means that the insurer will pay up to $ 25,000 for bodily injury per person, $ 30,000 for bodily injury per accident, and $ 25,000 for property damage per accident. It would be a relatively small amount of coverage, and you should evaluate your own situation to decide what level of coverage is best for you. All states except New Hampshire and Wisconsin require that you purchase liability insurance.
Collision. This category of automobile insurance covers damage and your medical expenses in case of an accident in which you are at fault.
Complete. This type provides coverage for loss of accidents other than collision or theft, such as property damage by flood, fire or vandalism.
Uninsured / underinsured motorist. Pay you if the other driver in an accident has no insurance or does not have enough insurance. (It is not required in all states.)
Protection against personal injury. Pays your medical expenses not recovered and lost wages resulting from an accident. PIP may also include a death benefit. (Approximately 16 states now require coverage PIP).
One source of confusion is the so-called "no-fault" automobile insurance program. In a no-fault system, all drivers pay their own costs of accidents, regardless of who is to blame. It has long been thought that this system would reduce litigation costs to maintain. It does not happen. In fact, it usually resulted in higher accident rates, higher costs and higher insurance premiums. As a result, most states had passed laws repealed their no-fault (DC, MD, PA, NJ, GA, CT, CO, FL). leaving only Michigan, Kansas, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, North Dakota, and Utah. However, some states - New Jersey and Pennsylvania - adopted "choice no fault", which allows the driver to choose between no-fault and traditional politics. (Results in terms of premium levels, have been mixed so far.)
Keep your premiums down
For the average consumer, insurance companies may seem to have strange ideas about factors to consider in determining your insurance premiums. For example, once I found my rates increased after another driver hit my car, and when I called the company and explained that the accident was not my fault, the representative Customer Service replied: "Yes, but you were in the wrong place at the wrong time. '
In other words, it's a numbers game, and there is no real effort to achieve fairness in setting rates. So, to win the game, you must provide the company with numbers that will result in reasonable premiums. Some of them you have some control over and some you do not. Factors that will be considered are: age / sex (unmarried men under 25 get higher rates, women usually get lower rates), location (New Jersey and California rates are high urban rates are higher than those in rural areas, many companies now even looking at your zip code), driving history (if you have filed one or more claims in the past five years, it will boost your premium significantly, he will of speeding or other violation, even if no application has been filed), the amount you drive, the type of car (expensive cars get higher premiums, do cars with high rates of theft like the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord, do off-road vehicles and large SUVs).
Find a car insurance company on the Internet
If you search Google, Yahoo or MSN for "car insurance" and "car insurance" you will see that it is a crowded Internet. There are literally hundreds of companies advertising online auto insurance. However, your best bet is to use one of the companies that allow you to order online, or as
You will soon notice that each insurance company has its own line of little qualification process and the series of screens requires you to go ahead of him to give you a quote. is a good example. He begins by asking you your zip code - a simple enough question. Then, on the following screens ask them detailed information - How many cars you make. How many drivers. Year / Make / model of your car. Use your car. Discounts for which you may be qualified, such as airbags, antilock brakes, car alarm, coverage, etc. you want. And so on.
The application process is actually quite simple and only takes a few minutes - after which you're provided with a quote from, which is an insurance provider virtual (online).
In contrast, another site takes you through an application process is very similar, but concludes without providing you with an accurate quote. Instead, it lists several insurance companies brick-and-mortar contact you later, either by email or phone with specific citations. This has the advantage that you will be able to compare policies and quotes, and the disadvantage that you have to wait a while for companies to communicate with you.
Other car insurance aggregators (as they are called) other processes - some, for example, run your credit report as part of this process.
In any case, as a final step in choosing a policy, you may want to take a little time to consult your insurance provider chosen, especially if it is one that you don ' are not familiar with. To do this, you must create an account on to find a car insurance company rating, but it is quite simple to do. Once you have created your account, click "notation and analysis" and enter the name of your company. Companies are assigned a letter grade of "A + +" down. You will probably need your selected company to have at least a "B", which is "good."
Moreover, even if you already have what you think is a policy at a reasonable price, it is generally always a good idea to apply online to see if you can get a better premium rates. After all, there is no obligation and it only takes a few minutes. According to a recent survey by the consumer computer industry weekly publication, one in three people who shopped online for car insurance and then bought a new policy to save over $ 500 with some saving $ 1100 or more.
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